Challenges We Face With Plastic
Ghost Nets
Discarded Fishing Nets That Ensnare Marine Life
Ghost nets are fishing nets that have been lost, dumped overboard, or abandoned. Nets can get hooked on the reef and cut, lost overboard, or long lines abandoned. When animals die in the net, they attract scavengers who also have the same chance of getting trapped in the net and then die.
One of the Most Challenging Issues Facing Us
Every piece of plastic that has ever been created by humans- STILL EXISTS. Most of it floating in the ocean gets weak and breaks apart into “microplastics”. This in incredibly dangerous for animals that are used to eating floating plankton and small creatures. Microplastic is easily misidentified as food and eaten.
Case and point: Midway Island.
Free Flow Pollution
We Must Stop The Source
The countries that release the most plastic pollution into the oceans also are the ones with vastly inadequate or non-existent recycling facilities to handle the amount of single use plastic that is consumed by its residents.